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Old 09-28-2005, 10:45 PM
Firefly Firefly is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 73
Default Re: Thinking While Playing (LC)

First off: Clear your playing area: make it free of clutter and distractions (as much as possible). Second, I like listening to music when i play (I'm a very musical person), for me it's something so that i don't get bored while playing. Be comfortable while playing is generally the point i'm trying to make.
When you are thinking about a hand, i just like to take a deep breath, then replay the hand in my mind, think about it and decide on all the information -bet sizes, history of the hand, read of opponent etc..
Of course it is easier to analyze after the fact - though one caution, because after a hand takes place you are biased towards the result. That's why i, personally review my tournaments 2 weeks later because i won't remember the results. When you analyze a hand you have infinate time, whereas online you must decide in aprox 60 seconds. Therefore you will be able to use other tools to make a decision that was not as clear in the heat of battle

Wow, that's a ramble...
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