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Old 08-21-2005, 04:38 PM
patssoxceltsfan patssoxceltsfan is offline
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Default Re: How much information about poker strategy is really available?

I actualy think that there is quite a lot of good literature in how to think at the table. The best two books are Harrington on hold-em. Super system 2 also contains a lot of good info, Brunson describes his style pretty well. It's a lot less mathamatical than Harrington's style, Brunson seems to focus on playing the man more than playing the cards but it gives a good look into an aggressive style.

The fact is that poker isn't chess, there isn't any calculation that tells you a guy will call a $150 bet but won't call $151 (there are calculations that will tell you that he's making a mistake if he calls the 151 though). There are only 52 cards and you'll see every combination of those in every position after only about 100 hours of play.

Poker is a huge guessing game, you read the cards, review the past action and make your best guess about what your opponent has and guess what to do from there. He then does the same. Fluctuations will be high in the short term but in the end the best guesser will win more money.

If there were some poker secret wouldn't we see a dominant poker champion? Wouldn't the same people win the money year after year after year instead of having huge fluctuations?
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