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Old 12-21-2005, 08:55 PM
tonypaladino tonypaladino is offline
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Default Re: What would you do if you were in my shoes? Or, hello Osama.

Semi-related story:

There used to be an arabic deli near where I worked, and pre-9/11 we all called it the terrorist deli, even in front of the guys there, and they took it in fun. 2 days after 9/11 I saw a customer arguing with one of the deli guys, and the guy was saying "There is no way Osama bin Laden is responsible. Osama is a good man. This must have been Iraq or Iran." I didn't really care, because I was in too much shock to care, but a few days later the dude and his brother, just stopped showing up there, and the rest of the staff, who are usually really friendy, wouldn't say what happened to them.
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