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Old 03-01-2005, 10:14 AM
Gaming Club Gaming Club is offline
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Default Re: TGC - When will playcheck be fixed?

We understand your point that it doesn’t inspire confidence keikiwai. We would like to assure you that issues raised are given serious attention and we're doing all we can to resolve this particular one. The problem seems to have been larger to deal with than expected which is why it is taking so long to fix (as mentioned before, an entire redevelopment of the export feature is taking place).

We do realize that you’ve been waiting for a significant amount of time and we are doing all we can to push for export capabilities to be back as soon as possible. As an important part of a serious players arsenal, we’re fully aware that hand histories are needed.

For now, we do not have a concrete ETA on completion of the fix but we will post as soon as we have definite confirmation that everything is tested and working 100%. The minute we know, we'll let the Zoo know.

Our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience and many thanks once again for waiting.
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