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Old 12-12-2005, 05:04 PM
Allinlife Allinlife is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 154
Default Re: Thoughts on dropping out of school...

I think it all depends on few things. First, how much more you would make by quitting school and playing poker full time, and secondly, if you have what it takes to keep that roll going, in terms of learning money management through investing.

I mean if you can make 500k~2M over next 2~3 years playing poker full time, I think someone smart enough to earn that much playing poker is very well capable of learning how to manage that kind of money to last them their life time. So why waste 4~5 years to study something you'd never need because you'd never need a job? You realize it will take you about 15 years or so to ever touch that kind of money down the road if you were to go to college and get some 40k/yr job.

On other hand, if you make 70k'ish max playing poker fulltime, it probably isn't worth it for you to go full time and ditch education because simply that kind of money won't likely last them long enough to make it worth while.
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