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Old 06-12-2005, 09:33 AM
Rah Rah is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 117
Default Re: Solving the bot problem


This will not work:

- You want to make it hard to play online poker for the average person.

- $10K fine. Enforcable? NO!

Why don't I say a $5,000 fine for anyone who walks on my lawn. You just can't do that.

[/ QUOTE ]

The average player will have to send in scanned ID/Utility bill - this may keep some customers out, but if it can save the Internet Poker business it may be needed. Some Prima sites are already enforcing this, btw.

Regarding enforcement and your example; what if you sign a contract with a person renting your house, not to step on the lawn - since the grass is very fragile - risking a fine?
Yes, this would probably be enforcable to a certain degree (I am a law student myself, granted it's mainly Swedish law, but I have studied some international contractual law). What you are saying is that no legal contracts including a fine for breaking the contract is enforcable. This is wrong.
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