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Old 12-22-2005, 03:49 AM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: Walking the Picket Line

As I stated in my post, there are reasons why it is more complicated then, "he can quit and find a better job". The concept of a strike is based around that fact.

If things got bad enough, would police or firefighters strike too? What if the city said it was going to lay off half the force? Are you going to go neighborhood to neighboorhood trying to determine wether a cop really "needs" backup. Strikes exist for a reason. They aren't done arbitraily. Do you think the TWU, facing bankruptcy by the end of the week, its leaders facing jailtime, did this because they thought it would be fun. Most likely, they think it is important enough to risk thier very existence.

Let the union and the MTA work it out. If the union is being truly unreasonable, it should be easy to find scabs, right?
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