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Old 12-12-2005, 11:56 AM
WarBus WarBus is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2004
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Default Re: Thoughts on dropping out of school...

Finishing college is definitely a good idea if you make the most of it and have a worthy major.

I did not make the most of it. I worked 40 - 50 hrs/wk during school and 60+ hrs/wk during breaks and summer. My friends were always partying and going on trips but I always had to work. It was an unfortunate necessity at the time but missing out on all the experiences is definitely a regret.

My degree was in business management. Not a difficult or extremely lucrative degree. Finding a job since I had a degree wasn't dificult. Finding one that paid decent was. My last job was as a manager for a convenience store paying a whopping 30k/ year. Since I made more from poker than my job for the last year and a half it wasn't a hard decision to quit my old job when many new responsibilities requiring many more hours of my time were demanded by the company where I worked.

I graduated in '93 so its not like I worked at one job for a couple years and then decided to play poker for a living. I have had other jobs and ran my own business for many years. Playing poker currently suits me best.

Overall, get a degree but at the same time make the most of the experiences available. You never know where life will take you. So don't pass up current opportunities.
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