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Old 11-14-2005, 01:54 PM
RustedCorpse RustedCorpse is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: NYC
Posts: 74
Default Re: Guy beating up his girlfriend on the street

I vote that you did the smart and correct thing.

Personally I would have probably approached (and I generally keep an eye out for weapons of opportunity about)

I was living in richmond at one point and something very similar happened in my front lawn. So my dog is going apeshit barking and I look outside and there is this dude that just smacked this woman hard enough to knock her to her knees. Now I don't like people on my land so I immideiatly open the door yell something to the guy like "Hey, that's enough take it away from here." or some such. The guy turns and does a "F#ck you" and sticks the old middle figer out. So I grab his finger torgue it forward and hit him in the throat when he leans in nice and close. Two hits to the stomach and I throw him to the ground, give him a kick. I take one step and turn to the chick. I hear "You F$cking b#tch!" at this point I catch her fist in the head, and she jumps on me as starts smacking an bunching me. I actually was a moron and didn't outright clock her so I ended up getting knocked to the ground. Of course the guy happens to be getting up at this point too. So suddenly I hear the guy start screaming like a little girl and the woman yells out as my dog (who had ripped through the screen door) decides she wants to be invovled to and has proceeded to bite and claw the woman on top of me.

What follows is a strange and awkward period of me getting my dog under control and the idiots (who apparently were terrified of dogs) leaving holding each other and yelling the occasional F*ck you from a safe distance.
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