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Old 09-10-2005, 05:49 AM
Orpheus Orpheus is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 178
Default Re: what to make of a huge loss

You had a bunch of big loss sessions (I can't be sure how many, since I don't know your mix of limit and NL sessions), all on the same day. That happens to everyone eventually, and it's no fun for anyone.

It's shaking you. You're asking what, if anything, it means.

You didn't say if you were playing B&M or online, but not many B&Ms spread a 2/4, so I'd suggest, in addition to the good advice above that the time to ask yourself about your play onling may be after the first several big losses, not at the end of the day. Not only can it help stop *some* of these downturns, but it can reassure you that you are playing a solid game, when it's just variance, and help *keep* your game solid--your only defense, however limited, against variance.

We all know the ugly things that bad sessions can do to your play. Personally, I believe that this may account for abput half the magnitude of many downswings. For many players, it's much more than half.

I'm sure that many 2+2'ers will all me overconservative, saying that I'm losing opportunities, second-guessing myself, etc.-- but since I'm stuck with the disadvantages of my chosen venues, I think I'd be foolish not to exploit the advantages. the ability to stop and do a solid hand review with relatively little interruption in my play can a big plus that I wouldn't have in a B&M. So I use it.
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