Thread: My new hobby...
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Old 02-13-2005, 06:47 PM
USS Gut Shot USS Gut Shot is offline
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Default Re: My new hobby...


I usually don't report guys who are truly terrible, but I think there are a bunch of mediocre full game players (vpip 23-27ish, aggro too high, steal too much, overdefend) who know that they play better HU and try to goad poor players into HU matches by being nasty in chat. Those are my favorite guys to nail. Basically, if I think someone is hurting the game, I'll turn them in. If I think someone is making the game better, I won't.


[/ QUOTE ]

I'll be less likley to report someone who is terrible. But this is usually not the case. They are usually tight players with no imagination. It's not only about money, but playing in a game where everyone can have fun and play however the hell they want.

Please, please don't report me for using hell...Thanks.
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