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Old 07-09-2005, 01:54 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: I remember

The point is that there exist some jihadists and terrorists who would attack us regardless of the propsals Dead made in this thread. These jihadists hold a view of forcing the West to submit or conform to to Islam, and view terror attacks as a means to accomplish that end.

As for the firewall, I did not firewall anything out. That is the only website I have encountered in the last 6 months which my firewall automatically blocked and requested that I specifically allow its URL if I wished to view it. In other words, that website has some sort of suspect ActiveX or other suspect code, or is on a list of known URLs of suspect websites. This has nothing to do with my personal views but rather was an automatic response of the firewall. Maybe that site is known for DL'ing spyware, who knows. If you care to copy the article here I will be glad to read it.

Finally you have still not repudiated your lie that Taheri was thoroughly discredited in prior threads on 2+2.

I suggest you employ more honesty in your debates and discussions.
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