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Old 12-22-2005, 11:51 AM
Granite Granite is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 35
Default Re: What\'s the dumbest bet you\'ve ever made?

I was drinking with a few friends around a hotel pool late at night.

One friend said that as a kid he used to be able to swim underwater for aaaaages and boasted he could do 4 underwater laps of the pool. Pool was 20m's not too sure how far that is in feet, but 80m is a long way.

So we all had about $100 riding on the bet and watched him try and he managed nearly three laps which was pretty impressive. We all had a good laugh at the guys expense and went back to swimming and drinking.

None of us are paying any attention but the guy gives it a second try. We are all having a good time until one of the guy spots him face down floating in the water. I dragged him out and checked for breathing and there was the slightest wisp of a breath. I was thinking $%$%! I'm gonna have to give him mouth to mouth. Just then he gasps, splutters and jumps to his feet, off the planet wanting to fight us. Craziest thing I have ever seen.

We all laughed, but it was a releived laugh. we all thought we had killed him for a stupid bet.

On a side note, I'm up to three people now that I have tried to fish out of the water. Only one has survived unfortunately, I don't think I would make the cut for Baywatch.

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