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Old 11-24-2004, 06:23 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Worst cartoon of all time?

There are SOOOO many. Cartoonists have a lot of terrible things to say about the 80's, where they say cartoons started the process of getting to be about the worst they've ever been.

For me, I'll always have a special hatred for Tiny Toons. That combined the horror of sickening cuteness with the awfulness of a degradation of something so great that had gone before it, ande the prostituting of its name -- the gold ole' Looney Tunes classics. A lot of ugliness involved that made me feel queasy to watch or even think of the show -- a little like when Michael Jackson used Lennon tunes to sell sneakers. Having Mel Blanc's voice replaced by some crappy imitation sure didn't help move things along. Bugs's voice lost the hint of a sarcastic curl of the lip it usually sounded like he was talking with, and he started to sound kind of dumb.

But any Saturday morning cartoon from the 80's was almost guaranteed horrtible. If someone chose, say, "He-man" or "She-Rah," it would be hard to argue that didn't reach a low point, too.
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