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Old 12-21-2003, 08:35 AM
brad brad is offline
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Default Re: thanks, check your email [nm]

me mid 30s

more action , less narration. let characters actions reveal their charactyer
for example, if you want to show worlds new tech in future, show characters doing something and mention 'rocket shoes' in passing. narrating ab out rocket shoes is p;retty boring.

maybe not do in chrono order
btw, pretty obvious young guy and old same guy. i think. heh. could do it from olds perspective flashback to youth or soemthing i dont know.

start with bang, maybe scene where his dad died, or some other 'intense' scene.

only read about half got bored.

put a quote (before) every chapter, like in 'neverness' i think tghats coolo.

iirc orson scott card wrote some books on how to write (eg, show not tell), those were pretty good.

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