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Old 10-16-2005, 05:42 PM
inyaface inyaface is offline
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Default Re: I understand now!

I worked serving/bartending in the summer. The one thing I learned is some people don't tip and some people suck and are just bad people and you need to ignore them. Of course you get the 20% tippers who come in every day, who are the nicest people you'll ever meet and who always understand if you mess something up and they make up for the people that complain because there water doesn't have exactly 25 ice cubes in it like they asked for and the people who don't tip well because there ignorant or just cheap.

Anyone who said it is fine not to tip if the service is bad is compleatly wrong. 10% is the absolute minimum you should ever tip. Part of going to eat somewhere is paying for the service, not only the food. Therefore if you got no service it would be ok to tip nothing but for any type of service 10% should be minimum.

On another note quit your job and play poker, it's way more profitable.
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