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Old 11-12-2005, 03:04 PM
scrapperdog scrapperdog is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 26
Default Re: 2+2 table coach: STFU

There is nothing more annoying. I shut down last nights table coach who was trying to intimidate the only drunk and loose player at the table. He told the drunk guy he picked up a tell off of him and was gonna let him have it next time the next time the drunk guy bet out without the goods. The TC did this between constantly talking about odds, how great of a player he is, and other assorted strategy. I told the drunk guy the TC was full of crap and to keep playing his game. After the drunk guy took a big pot off the TC I asked the coach what happened to his read, and he shut up then (at least for a while). The TC was on a stone cold bluff that hand, lied about what he had on the turn (I find this annoying as well, just keep your mouth shut), and yes he got picked off trying to bluff a drunk guy, great move TC!

BTW the drunk guy ended up a ton through a combination of hitting gutshots, calling down with his top pair and crappy kicker, and bluffs. The tightest player at the table (me) lost all his money when my flopped set turned into a boat on the river and lost to quads.
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