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Old 02-09-2002, 01:45 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who was that guy anyway?

Which one? The Achilles- A race between a fast runner and the slow guy. The fast guy can never catch up. The arrow - is it in motion or at rest. The race-course or stadium dichotomy - how does the runner ever finish the race. I think there are a few more but can't remember them at the moment. All the above paradoxes of motion are from Zeno of Elea.

Now Zeno of Citium is considered the founder of the Hellenistic school of Stoic Philosophy.

And Stoicism is useful in Poker.

So which Zeno posts on this forum? I don't know, maybe its a Paradox - and it may be that Pat knows.

- Zeno from Greenland
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