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Old 12-20-2005, 02:09 AM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: Why The Democrats Don\'t Get It

I sometimes think that the "example" of Hitler (and, more specifically, the appeasement at Munich) are worse as examples than they were as actual events. We heard the same thing throughout the Cold War: If we don't stop the Commies in Nicaragua (or Guatemala or El Salvador or Chile or . . . ), soon they'll be in Mexico and next thing you know they'll be here. Didn't we learn from not stopping Hitler?

The problem with these analogies, of course, is that Salvador Allende and Daniel Ortega were not Hitler. Nor were their countries Germany. Nor was the 1980s and 1930s.

I know you're not saying that Hussein = Hitler. But the idea that Hussein had to be stopped begs the question: stopped from what? Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice said Hussein was bottled up, incapable of causing much harm just a couple of months before 9/11. How did he suddenly become unbottled on 9/12?
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