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Old 08-05-2005, 04:36 PM
irchans irchans is offline
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Posts: 157
Default Oops - correction

You are correct! There was a typo in my previous post. Below is the corrected version substituting 3 hours for 6. The expected number of overlaps did not change when I made the correction.

We really should do a simulation.

---- corrected post -----


I think your method underestimates the number of overlaps because it implies that failures start exactly on a three hour boundary.

Here is a second method for estimating the number of overlaps. Suppose there are exactly 400 failures. We will say that the ith failure and the jth failure overlap if their start times differ by 3 hours or less. The probability that the ith failure overlaps the jth failure is approximately

6/(24*356) = 0.000684932.

There are 400*399/2 = 79800 possible pairs of i's and j's, so the expected number of overlaps (with "overlap" defined as above) is

6/(24*356) * 400*399/2 = 54.6575.
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