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Old 11-05-2005, 03:52 AM
Dominic Dominic is offline
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Default Re: Movies Based on Books...

Wasn't "Apocalypse Now" based on a book? "2001: A Space Odessey"? .....

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You're kidding, right????

Besides your utter lack or knowledge concerning literature, this is a silly comparison.

movies - books
apples - oranges

books are internal, usually about the emotions of the protaganist. Movies are external, and are usually plot driven.

You get different pleasures from the two mediums. They are not at all similar.

Film - sensory overload, music, visual stimulation, etc.
books - a well-turned phrase, the solitude, imagination

And most people's argument - "they shoulda kept this in the movie - it was the best part of the book!" is asinine. If you filmed a book completely faithfully, every scene, every'd have a 40 hour movie.

To compare them is just silly.
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