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Old 12-20-2005, 01:38 PM
mrkilla mrkilla is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Po\'litcal Prisona from cooba meng
Posts: 95
Default Re: Preparing for a police chase

Yea thats the best Idea, run and ditch. Walk through the mall have a car in like a meter spot waitng for you get in and drive off.

If your in that deep I don't think you can "beat" them , you would need to trick them blowing one up won't do you no good.

so my plan.

The first car needs all the formentioned items , run flats etc, I don't know if anyone put in a NOS tank but lets put that in there as well. You'd Ideally want an AWD car so you can hop off road if you need too, not an SUV cause they flip. With that that 2 more cars in diffrent locations with in similar surrondings like the garage, or airport even might work though I dunno about this. The Mall is good for the rear exit mentioned. The 2nd car needs to be like a "mom and pop" car thats fast too. Like the turbo buik skylark from the 80's (or grand turino whatever) . Head for the 2nd closest train station , get on a train and dont look back.

now for all that to be worth it i beeter be robbing a bank for like 4 million dollars or something.
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