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Old 11-20-2005, 03:38 AM
citanul citanul is offline
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 64
Default Re: After 8k 30+3 sngs recorded, I\'ve discovered something...

Interesting post. Thank you.


PS- I also like your use of the word "batches"

[/ QUOTE ]

grrr... i'm gonna have to disagree with you here, this post was, for me, quite mind numbingly poor. very little in here hasn't been said hundreds of times before, and more concisely, by yourself, for instance. (hey, i went all capt kirk again in that last sentence.) not only does he harp on the obvious, he clearly overestimates the value of a 1000 sng sample, and underestimates the true value of luck (ie, hasn't played around very much with an ROI simulator).

continuing, he "takes in to account" a few factors, but totally doesn't really. such as, if you play poker in say, 1000 games in a week, it's not actually that much more likely that you avoid tilt during that time period than if you play them over a 1000 day span, as well, the poker stuff still hits you. in fact, i'd say that the more spread out your games are the less likely you're going to experience massively intergame tilt. that seems fairly intuitive. if i lose today, get upset, and don't play my next game for a month, chances are i'm going to be over it when i get to the next game. i find that most players i speak to who have tilt problems have those problems hit them hardest when they try to massively multitable their way through it.

the observation, however, that he makes, that it is likely that good stats we seen posted are often from short time spans of running good and playing good is a reasonable one. again, one harped on by hundreds of other posters, including yourself.

blah, i really don't want to go on much more about this.

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