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Old 08-25-2005, 01:27 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Coolest \"epic fight scene\" in a movie?

What I mean by "epic fight scene" is a one on one fight scene between the hero and the villain that is usually the cilmax of the movie. It's also probably long.

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For those who have lost their way in this thread, the fight scene is long, one-on-one and climaxes the movie (heh, he said climaxes).

I like Harrison Ford v. Rutger Hauer (the android Roy Batty) in Bladerunner.

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Most of that was running and blabbing, though. If it was epic, there would at least have been significant blows exchanged, but of course that would have killed Harrison Ford almost instantly, so we didn't see that.

It was a great confrontation, but not an epic battle.

Your other points are well-taken, though, except I don't think the fight necessarily has to come at the end. That's not what makes a fight epic.

I see lots of entries here that are one against many. That may be stretching things a bit, but I'm willing to go with that. But many against many doesn't work. That's why scenes like the rumbles in Warriors and Rumblefish don't count. Otherwise, we'd have to let in whole wars, and the flavor of the thing completely changes.

Maybe we should include epic battles to win the girl, too, though, in which case, I submit the battle to bag Mary in There's Something About Mary.
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