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Old 12-19-2005, 05:10 PM
tomdemaine tomdemaine is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 236
Default Re: UCLA study concludes left wing bias in media is legit

The concept of a liberal bias is difficult to quantify no matter what metrics you use as your decisions will always be influenced by your own opinions. Noone can ever claim to be wholly unbiased your biases are part of what makes you you. That said I believe that while the majority of media outlets are corporatist and corporate owned, the actual journalists on the ground are mostly center-leftists and that a center-left mindset may lend itself to a journalistic (or acadmeic but that is another debate) life. Where this falls down is that, while left thinking journalists are probably the majority the right thinking ones have much more the courage of their convictions and shout loud enough fot two. I doubt "the right" would trade all the new york times' in the world for one fox news or Rush Limbaugh for getting the point across.
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