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Old 06-02-2005, 08:46 PM
Garland Garland is offline
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Location: San Francisco, CA
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Default Re: Question about a floor call

The ruling is correct, but some sort of warning or penalty should be made to the player who said he was on the nut draw. What that penalty is; I have no idea. It's probably a slap on the wrist the first time, and something more severe if it's habitual.

Think about it: Suppose player A and player B are involved in a pot, and I'm in no way related to either player. player A checks, and player B pushes. Then I blurt out "player B is definitely on a nut draw; player A-Call with anything!" Should player A's hand now be declared dead? Of course not--ultimately it's still his money and his decision. He didn't solicit advice, and shouldn't be penalized by my big mouth.

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