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Old 08-27-2005, 02:49 PM
livinitup0 livinitup0 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 18
Default The Errors of Bankroll Management

I think I may have figured something out that's worth sharing to the newbies. I am in the middle of a decent size downswing after tying to move up to 1/2, I moved back down and it is still going on. I took a day off playing a decided to look at every stat, my graph and about 100 or so hands and make notes. Didnt find anything really scary except one issue. I looked at my graph and saw the horrible slope i've taken. Then I saw on the options how to segregate by limit, I think Ive figured it out.
Surprisingly Im only down in my .50/1 games about 50-60BB, then I isolated 1/2..down about 25BB. Then i remembered the one day I was playing some 1/2 6-max, after taking some really bad advice on here to move there.
Then I added up my ROI on the SnG's I was playing to let out some steam from ring games (SnG's are poker crack to me). $90.00 there.
Then I took into account the MTT buyin's another 50.00 out of the money each time.

Then It hit me.... I wasnt going through a huge downswing right off the bat (I am now as Ive stayed at my limit after realizing it. 200BB - hopefully coming out of it soon) I was just tilting and used my bankroll to play other crap that I have little to no experience in. almost 75% of my losses this month have been on games other than what I usually play, and could have been completely avoided. and all because I wasnt satisfied with the money I was making with my 3BB/100 over 15K hands at .50/1.

This is a wakeup call for me. When I get into a downswing I start thinking too much after I frustratingly put down the mouse for the night. I stay up to 3am without playing a hand since 11pm just thinking about stupid crap. "Maybe I should switch full time to SnG's, or maybe just play MTT's, or 6-max?" Then I spend a day trying one out and get killed....Not varience... undecisive stupidity.

So to all the begginner micro players out there, stick to your regular game unless you're going to make a full move to another game, messing around with other games (while tilting) and on a downswing leads to disaster.

Went from 800$ down to 400$ left. and its completely my own stupid fault. I wanted to make an unrealistic amount of money in an unrealistic amount of time.

Hey I may get flamed with this, but I know theres a ton of you out there that have done the same, and can relate.
Stick to what you know and save yourself some headaches and money.
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