Thread: Tap Beer
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Old 07-29-2005, 01:08 PM
BruinEric BruinEric is offline
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Default Re: Tap Beer

When tap lines and faucets are not cleaned fairly regularly, bacteria or yeast can thrive on the sugary beer. I mean "sugary "chemically speaking -- the sweetness is extracted from the malted barley. It is this sugar that the yeast consumes to create alcohol and CO2.

Symptoms of poorly cleaned tap lines can include foamy beer, off-flavors in the beer (possibly not noticeable if served ice-cold in a frozen glass). If a beer tastes sour or metallic, then there is "bonus" fermentation going on.

Here in CA, most bars have their lines cleaned regularly by the beer distributor. This is a legal "free" service. Other bars pay their own tap line cleaning service. It is rare that any establishment which pours a lot of beer doesn't get this done frequently and for free. You may occasionally find the tiny restaurant with a small kegerator who doesn't keep their lines clean. I can't speak for your state.

Your stomach upset could also coincide with the food served at this establishment. Or perhaps you are getting sick. Or possibly there is something noxious "in the air" at this establishment.

There are some beers whose yeast esters can give headaches. These are usually funky belgian brews made with once-wild yeast strains, or other experimental brews. I will assume by "dark beer" you're meaning something mainstream and probably pasteurized so this isn't relevant to your situation.
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