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Old 12-19-2005, 11:59 AM
MuckerFish MuckerFish is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 52
Default Re: Ordering wine in restaurants

Here's a little trick that may help in a pinch. It's by no means scientific or an absolute, but it's a good starting point if you've had little experience with wine, or if you are choosing a wine for other people, and aren't sure what to get based on meal pairing.

How you/another person likes their coffee,etc usually correlates with what kind of wines you/they may like. So from boldest to lightest:

Black coffee/ unsweetened coffee: Cab or Red Zinfidel
Regular coffee (ie cream+sugar): Merlot or syrah
Light coffee(light or real sweet) or a dark tea drinker: Pinot Noir
Lighter teas or tea with sugar: Charddoney
Tea with cream+sugar: Pinot Grigiot,

This is a real loose guideline, but will help in a pinch. Obviously there's a ton of variables. Some Chards can be bolder that a pinot noir, etc, but no need to worry about it now. Get out there and try a bunch of different wines and see what you like. Don't fret too much over wine/food pairing, as it is a personal thing. You should choose a wine because you like it, not because it's "supposed" to go with something. For example, I love bold cabs, so I generally drink it with just about any food. But in general, a heartier meal pairs better with bolder wine. ie: red meats with bigger wine, chicken/seafood with lighter wines.

Hope it helps.
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