Thread: Law School
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Old 11-18-2005, 12:19 PM
SackUp SackUp is offline
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Default Re: Law School

There was a thread on this awhile ago, but I couldn't find it.

I just graduated from a Top 20 law school. I spent $120,000 and three years of my life and I can COMPLETELY guarantee you that it was not worth it.

I think law school (especially the good ones) is a good choice for exactly one kind of person: a snobby [censored] whose idea of a cool job is to lick some partner's ass in a big law firm while making serious bank.

I am honestly considering writing a book on this exact topic in the next few months.

Also, before people accuse me of being crushed by the system or something similar, I was on moot court, ublished an article and proscribed a legal theory in a state court that became international legal news. I could have done ALL of it with about half the time in school and about 1/10th the cost.

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It is unfortunate that you had such a negative experience during law school and with the legal profession. There are many people in your same shoes though, so you are not an anomoly. However, I do believe it can be a very rewarding profession, but you need to be selective in where you practice and what you practice.

It is helpful to see the perspective of someone who trule regrets his decision to attend law school and join the legal field, especially for people on the fence. Just remember that each has his own experience and more often than not the people I see unhappy have gone into law school for the wrong reasons.

Either they went b/c they did not know what else to do or they thought it was the best way to make some cash. Granted, some people go in with the best of hopes and intentions, but still feel shortchanged, but I see that is a much rarer situation. If you do your research, you will know what you are a getting into and what the realiities of the legal profession are.

I would definitely head the warnings of webmonarch before you decide law schoo is for you. But don't let icompletely discourage you from attending if it is something that you really want to do.
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