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Old 12-27-2005, 12:25 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Is libertarianism at odds with Christianity?

I do think that it is clear that God expects Christians, once they have entered a relationship with Him that is based on his love and grace, to try to bring his Kingdom to Earth,...

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I think this may be a common misconception. Jesus did not encourage mankind to try to make the world like God's Kingdom; rather, he urged humans to shun the world with its wicked ways and to instead follow God. Jesus also said that his Father's kingdom *is not of this world*.

...and one of the ways to do so is to help the poor.

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Jesus did not advocate helping the poor as a way of bringing God's kingdom to Earth, but rather, as a way of following Jesus. When the rich man asked Jesus what more he could do to truly be good, after he has learned the (religious) law and done good things, Jesus said he could give all that he has to the poor and come and follow him (at which the rich man, deeply troubled, quietly walked away).

Jesus also said, "Whatsoever ye have done to the least of my brethren(/children/creation), ye have done to me." So according to this, when you help the poor, you are helping Jesus (or God); when you treat another kindly, you are showing kindness to God; and conversely, when you give the cold shoulder to someone in genuine need, you give the cold shoulder to God.

One suspects that those who truly accept the teachings of Jesus will find a way to do much more good than harm, no matter how they go about it.

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Quite possibly so; although in my opinion, most Christians (including Catholics) do not really understand certain of the key teachings of Jesus. Also, some of Jesus' teachings, if understood, are hard to accept and even harder to put into practice.
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