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Old 12-26-2005, 02:58 AM
sweetjazz sweetjazz is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Rhode Island
Posts: 95
Default Re: Is libertarianism at odds with Christianity?

coffee, the role between Church and State is a major problem throughout Western history. To some extent, your question touches on this.

I do think that it is clear that God expects Christians, once they have entered a relationship with Him that is based on his love and grace, to try to bring his Kingdom to Earth, and one of the ways to do so is to help the poor. That will likely involve sacrifices, and those sacrifices may come in a variety of fashions. It must even be considered whether one should support legislation that would help alleviate poverty, even though it would cause greater discomfort to that invdividual. Of course, other considerations also have to take place, such as the rights and welfare of all others affected by the legislation.

I don't think that Jesus is very clear in how he thinks people should try to alleviate poverty and most of his examples are of individuals helping other individuals. Of course, in the context of his times, this is how Jewish society functioned. The idea of the modern welfare state was not even in the discussion. So it seems to me that the duty of a Christian is to prayerfully reflect on the presence of poverty in the world, and seek God's guidance in doing what you think is best to reach out to those in need.

I suspect that God is more concerned that people are sincerely trying to do His will (which often involves going beyond our own natural prejudices -- be they our political philosophy or otherwise) than he does for what particular course of action we end up choosing. One suspects that those who truly accept the teachings of Jesus will find a way to do much more good than harm, no matter how they go about it.

Just my $0.02.
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