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Old 12-13-2005, 03:06 PM
Stu Pidasso Stu Pidasso is offline
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Default Re: Two personal beliefs and their consequences


If you are not going to eat the ice cream, at least one of these three premises has to be false. It could just as well be the second or third as the first. All you have done is set up a scenario with premises that contradict each other. Doesn't prove anything.

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Thought experiments never prove anything. They are just an excercise to clarify what is already intuitive. Its my position that premise 1 has the highest probability of being false(however fatalism says it must be true).

Think about the thought experiment this way. Suppose you know with absolute certainty that premise 2 and premise 3 are true. Which is more likely to be true

A)I can act differently than the demon predicts.


B)My freewill prevents the demon from actually being able to predict the future give the constraints of this senario.

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