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Old 12-23-2005, 02:10 PM
imported_leader imported_leader is offline
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Default Re: Worse Pooh Bah ever...

I don't like PF at all. You're OOP against a good aggressive player. So even if you're better then his range what generally is going to happen is: when he makes his hand, he going to let you lead and then make you pay on the turn or river; when you make you're hand, he's going to fold; when neither of you make a hand or when you both do, he'll make generally correct decisions on what to draw too, what to call down with, and what to bluff you with. Of course, these factors can be over come if you have a good enough hand. A4o isn't close to qualifing, IMO. FWIW, I think call pf-cr a lot of flops is much better then 3-bet and lead if you’re going to defend in this situation simply because he'll probably have more respect for the cr and you can pick your spots. For example, I wouldn't pick this flop. As for the turn, I don't like folding to a 3-bet when you screw play someone because people tend to be somewhat pissed after you pull that and might 3-bet you with air or a lower pair.
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