Thread: Motivation
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Old 08-15-2005, 09:46 AM
Rotating Rabbit Rotating Rabbit is offline
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Default Re: Motivation

I know what you're saying edge.

And just making money for the sake of making money is very unfulfilling. I mean, what difference does a bigger number in your bankroll account actually mean? Does edge feel any happier that today the sum in his party account is 2k more than yesterday? Basically, no, unless the money is used for something more tangible.

Its all an illusion of the mind until unless you actually spend it. I never want to fall into the trap of making money for the sake of money itself, stockpiling it up until the day I die, what the hell is point in that? If you do that, your only fear is being poor, and the more you make, the more you're afraid of losing it, so you have to make even more to buffer yourself, and its a perpetual cycle...

And yeti, have you EVER seen a happy golfer? Most golfers are never ever happy because, rather like poker, its a game of mistakes, and everyone always makes them, and in golf then records them on a piece of paper! I agree big time with you on the travelling side though.

I'd rather be a character like in the series Lost, life these days is too artificial and fake.
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