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Old 08-23-2005, 02:54 AM
natedogg natedogg is offline
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Default Re: Ann Coulter on Cindy Sheehan

Why is natedogg (who I presume is a libertarian) telling everyone else to shut up about the ridiculous behavior and speeches of someone? Even a grieving mother. Are you of the same opinion as Maureen Dowd, who believes that since Sheehan lost a son she is beyond question and retains an absolute moral authority?

Who's saying Cindy shouldn't have the right to act like such a buffoon? It seems just about every article I've read regarding Cindy Sheehan has said both that she has such a right and that the author is sorry for her loss.

Any pundit who says anything other than "She's a grieving mother and I won't judge her reaction to losing her son to war" is scum.

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And what of others who are in the same situation as Sheehan? Should they also shut the hell up and mind their own business?

I expected better from you, nate.

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Just to clarify, I did not claim that anyone needs to shut up. I'm excoriating the pundits for what they have said. I gave my opinion that anyone bashing this woman is scum.

I gave no opinions about her moral authority or the correctness of her positions.

MY opinion is the the bulldog attacks and vehement reactions from the rightwing blowhards such as Hannity and Coulter are disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

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