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Old 12-12-2005, 01:32 PM
Denutz Denutz is offline
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Posts: 14
Default Re: Got min raised and I have the best hand

If he has a set, Im probably stacking him no mater what I do. If he has the flush draw hes probably going to call a good sized reraise.
SO do you reraise? If if so , how much?

Hi iceman,

On the first hand I think you want to get in as much money as possible on the flop - reraise him up to $50-$60 and hopefully that invites a push from him.

If you are in a set over set situation, you don't want him scared by a heart hitting on the turn and him shutting down - if he's on a flush draw, he may fold, but unlikely.

I think this allows you to extract the max from an opponent with a good hand - even if he only had AK it's quite possible he'll convince himself that you're on the flush draw and come along for the ride anyways.

Hand #2, just push it. If he's tilting he'll call with an overpair and if he has a s8 or flush draw it's really the only way to get the money in while you're ahead.
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