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Old 06-14-2005, 11:21 AM
krishanleong krishanleong is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 45
Default Re: When Have You Had Enough?

Some notes on people setting goals for themselves (tangentially related)

Setting money goals is really stupid. You can't control the cards. Some nights you will win and some you will lose. You should play as long as you have an edge on the table. If your image sucks and you don't think you can adjust, leave the table.

Setting hand goals is better. That way you play regardless of whether you are up or down until you fill your quota of hands. The only problem is you might feel pressure to play more tables than optimal to reach your goal (or reach your goal faster)

Setting hour goals is the best. This is what I do. I have goals for each day, goals for the week, and goals for the month. I know that on average I'll make X dollars each month if I play the hours.

Playing for hours or hands instead of money makes me feel better when I'm on a downswing.

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