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Old 05-08-2005, 08:41 PM
La Brujita La Brujita is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 517
Default Odd Golf Alignment and Vision Question

I am having a very very tough time with my alignment and vision. I line up for a put or a shot and often I am dead left of the aim line, by maybe 20-30 degrees.

When I am standing over the ball I am often uncomfortable and can't figure out how to get square. On the practice range I use clubs to align my feet to the target line and that helps a bit.

I have been reading and doing a few tests I seem left eye dominant (I am left handed).

Here is a test fyi:

Eye Dominance Test

I know this is vague but it costs me about 3-5 strokes a round and I am very frustrated.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.
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