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Old 12-02-2005, 04:38 PM
numeri numeri is offline
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Default session review, SSSH style

Hello all,

I know many of you are transplants from the Micros, (myself included) so you may already be familiar with this idea. For those that aren't, let me give a short synopsis.

The premise is that there are lots of us here looking to get opinions from others. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone to look at your entire hand history? We tried initially the idea of a "Microposter", who got to post an entire session anonymously and have everyone comment on it. That died after about 3 rotations.

So, why not just have one other person look at your session? That's when nomadtla suggested the "session review" idea. (Check out the original thread, a poll about the format, and the other threads here, here, and here.)

Now that we have a real forum for small (and micro) stakes short-handed play, hopefully we'll get more people interested. Here's the way it works:

1. send me a PM saying you would like to be included
2. wait
3. by Monday evening, I will send you two usernames - the one you will be reviewing, and your reviewer<font color="blue">*</font>
4. PM your email to the 2+2er you will be reviewing
5. email a recent session (&lt;200 hands) to your reviewer
6. review the session you were sent and reply via email, PM, AIM, etc.
7. discuss

<font color="blue">*</font>I find this a bit clumsy and unnecessarily confusing - it seems better to just pair you up with someone. But, the people spoke in the original poll, so that's the way it's been. If there is no strong movement, we'll keep it that way.

I find it easiest to import the session into PT and then play the hands back from there. Then I'll pick out the ones I find interesting and send an email back with my comments. Sometimes more discussion will follow from a particularly difficult hand, sometimes not.

So I hope that's clear. The more I type, the more I realize how it may not make sense. Please post any comments or questions here, and PM me to get on the list.

Monday, Dec 5th, ~6pm CST is the deadline.


P.S. I just realized that this post sounds very dry. I should mention that I've really enjoyed this so far. I find it a learning experience to think about someone else's hands just as much as it is to get feedback on my one. I highly recommend it, regardless of your skill level.
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