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Old 12-18-2005, 08:50 AM
sternroolz sternroolz is offline
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Default Re: Polar Bears drowning and resorting to cannibalism...


It astonishes me the blind naiviety of these Republicans who insist they aren't convinced that Global warming is happening. Every year we get another story or two like this and they still have their hands over their ears going "LA LA LA - I CAN'T HEAR YOU." Even more naive is the notion that it can't affect us or that we can buy our way out of any issues it causes.

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I don't think that the concept that the earth is getting warmer is an idea that is at issue. Clearly the earth's atmosphere is getting warmer each year. What is at issue is 1.) Why is it getting warmer? 2.) What are the implications of this? 3.) What can be done about it, if anything.

Clearly, if it is some sort of natural cycle the earth goes through, then nothing can be done about the atmospheric changes and humans will have to adjust to a warmer world. OTOH, if there is something we as human beings are doing to maker the earth warmer, then clearly we must change whatever that is.

Before you get so worked up over an issue, maybe you ought to understand what it is that is getting you upset.

Frankly, I don't think you will find a difinitive answer on this one as neither the scientific nor political community has found one.
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