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Old 05-13-2005, 03:27 AM
Orpheus Orpheus is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default Re: Reading hole cards/#players/current bets?

It's not the same thing at all.

If you examine the packets being sent to your client, you'll find that no information about your opponent's hole cards is sent to you ata all. There is nothing to "crack".

On the other hand, your OWN current hand is obviously sent to you. Depending on the site you are playing, this info can be read from the screen by character recognition (the most complex appraoch), from the packets to the client (possiblt problematic, depending on the coding and your TCP/IP skills) or read the hand history files line-by-line as they are written (easiest, since history files are just text file)

I believe that there are other approaches, too, but I'm not familiar with the details of that many sites.

Most sites use the same handful of software packages, and there are quite a few "advisor" or calculator programs like Texas Calculatem that can auto-read YOUR hole cards from a long list of sites. I wasn't terribly impressed with their advice, though. Most just run thousands of random draws and summarize the results. If you manually punch the exact same hand into Texas Calculatem (for example) 20-100x, you can get probabilities that differ by +/-2% (very significant for any hand that isn't an easy decision) and while I'm sure it was freakish luck, I saw a difference of over 5% between successive re-eentries when a friend asked me to look at the program. Needless to say, I chose not to use the program for actual play!

Still, I can understand the appeal: it's easy, and reduces your workload dramatically, allowing you (in therory) more time to think about your hand and read your opponents. As a practical matter, however, it's more likely to misadvise you, make you lazy and slow your learning/analysis skills. It's just too darn easy to blindly use the number as given, even though poker is really a people game played with cards, not the other way around.

Of course, nothing prevents you from writing your own definitive and accurate code.
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