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Old 12-26-2005, 05:55 PM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: Did Arnie Really Deserve This?

"Then why do you keep torturing people?"

Americans oppose torture 2 to 1 even in instances where the suspect is a known terrorist that probably has information that could prevent an attack. I imagine it goes even higher in other less dramatic instances. So Bush is doing it against the will of most Americans (and congress).

"No, here lies much of the disagreement. In US philosophy all Americans are created equal (Afganis can be held without trial etc.), in Western Europe all men are created equal."

A lot of the reason the US doesn't agree to things like the ICC is because we don't agree with the laws. Europe wouldn't sign an agreement if it stated women could no longer get divorces, and similairly American shouldn't have to sign agreements when it doesn't endorse the precepts.

As for enemy combatants caught in war there is an entirely different set of rules for them. You shouldn't expect some Taliban in Afghanistan that is shooting at Americans to be read his rights and get a phone call. There is a whole series of rules surrounding POWs.

"Third world is a bit too wide. But in general we have more common mindset with the third world population (if you disregard the moslem world) than the US population. However, many third world governments acts against the will of its people."

I think you overestimate your similairities and underestimate your differences. Most of the world has wildly different opinions on matters of marraige, free speech, family, women, religion, etc. Life and culture in India is much more different from Europe then life and culture in America. Even a developed country like Japan is different.

If your born in America or Europe, your life will be relatively the same. You can choose whether or not to obey your parents. You choose your spouse or none at all. You aren't discriminated against in government or the workplace based on race or religion. You can say what you want, express what you want. You can open your own business. Etc.

A lot of these things you can't do in other countries. Your marraige is arranged, your family chooses your career, you can't open a business, your divided along racial and religous lines, you don't have free speech.

I think Europeans exagerate tiny differences just so they can feel more unique. Because, at the end of the day, they are really tiny when you think about it.
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