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Old 11-02-2005, 05:39 AM
goodguy_1 goodguy_1 is offline
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Default Re: Empire is a graveyard

the stock has bounced almost 30 points in the last few weeks. I cant figure out why unless they are going to get bought out by someone or have a major merger among equals in the works.

The stock has been all over the place of late. Yesterday it had a huge range-today it's up again solidly: EOL.L

The stock was cut in half as I predicted from 185 to high 80's -dont have exact trading ranges here with limited UK data..but in the last 3 weeks has bounced off the lows.

It's either a great chance to short the stock again or something major is brewing. If you get short this dog and Party or someone else made a buy-out offer you would be screwed thu-haha.

Something is going on to bouy the stock becuase with the current condition of the Skin Network and the anemic action on Nobles' Network.. this stock is heading in one direction--->down.
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