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Old 12-28-2005, 04:32 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: Logic in an atheistic worldview

I'm not looking for a reaction. I'm simply responding to the incredulity of this OP and others who can't understand how an atheist gets through life without a belief in god.

I'm not sure why it's so difficult to understand how someone can live a fulfilled life without believing in something he doesn't think exists. For instance, I can get through life just fine without a belief in astrology and I'm sure you can too.

Theists on the other hand, seem to need their beliefs as a guiding force when it comes to the basics of life, morality, choosing right from wrong, reconciling death, and their very basis for living in general. So why wouldn't they have a harder time with being proved wrong?

An atheist would simply say, "Whoa! There really IS a God. I guess I was wrong. I hope it's not too late to change my ways.". Whereas, if God were disproved, a theist's entire world would be turned upside down. His very reason for existence, morality, the life, the universe, and everything would in one fell swoop become null and void. How could he possibly cope?
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