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Old 05-18-2005, 11:12 AM
Black Aces 518 Black Aces 518 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 53
Default Re: So what\'s the consensus on this river? (flush)

Wow MP2 is a complete douche to 3bet this river after a raise and then a call. He doesn't even have top two, and there are straights and flushes possible (also the A on board greatly increases the chance of a better two pair). Merry Christmas to you from him.

Also, the flop call is miserable, no matter how you look at it. If the Ace wasn't there, you might maybe look at it. You have zero overcards, zero cards that give you an OESD. Basically you're drawing to heart-heart or maybe K-K. There's no way you're good to call getting 7-1. Plus, you have 3 people behind you who could check-raise, which would be a hell of a thing putting in 2 bets on this flop (or putting one in and folding to a 3 bet.) BLECH.

And I can't believe there was support for 3 betting this turn. WTF? You have 2 outs to the nuts, the black tens. And that's a 4 card straight nuts, whee. A heart can lose to Ah-xh (which would have been in, thanks to the flopped A, and the 10d completes a flopped fourflush.
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