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Old 11-26-2005, 10:11 PM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Default ethical girlfriend + sickness dilema (brother)

my brother has a g/f meredith.

she is currently sick and likely contagious.

if you are in a committed relationship (they are in love) are you expected to get sick with your partner, "for better or for worse" style?

my bro posed to me that question and i had a logical analytical answer for him the end of which relied on meredith's expectations of his actions. given i dont know her expectations other than she loves my brother and presumably doesn't necessarily want him to get sick, what actions are the "limits" of my brother's affectations towards her given HE doesn't want to get sick.

a kiss on the lips is almost a surefire way to contract the sickness. but what about a kiss on the forehead, or the cheek...or a hug? well if you give 1 hug, how many hugs do you give? eventually the sum of the hugs work out to the same likelihood of you getting sick from the kiss.

anyways, that last part was thoughts i presented to my bro.

but ethically, what would OOT's stance be on affectations toward a sick girlfriend given you OOTers dont want to get sick.

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