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Old 12-15-2005, 02:45 PM
coffeecrazy1 coffeecrazy1 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 59
Default Re: \"Culture of Life\"

Wow. Just wow.

So many things wrong with this post.

One of the best points I ever heard was when someone asked "what companies are the two biggest buildings in Boston named after" The Met Life and the Manu-Mutual buildings...two health insurance companies. Health insurance companies have much more power in the US than they ought to.

[/ QUOTE ] Interesting Boston factoid, for sure...but does it really mean anything? Would you be able to make your inferential leap if these two buildings were in New York? Also, how does having the biggest building equate to having too much power? Do you have facts to back this up, or are you making some convoluted "Size does matter" argument?

Nationalized health care in Canada put them out of business, thats why the corporate media in America hates the idea of nationalized health care, even though most americans support the idea.

[/ QUOTE ]
1)Government regulation and oversight kills competition by its very nature. How many times must we demonstrate the inefficiency of large bureaucracies? many people choose Canadian medicine over American medicine? Are healthcare conditions in Canada better than those in the USA?
2)I imagine most Americans support FREE healthcare, because Americans support almost anything that they don't have to pay for(or, at least, not directly).

But...can you offer any proof for your 80 percent statistic? I know that universal healthcare was shot down in 1993-1994 when it was introduced by Hillary Clinton...but I cannot find any statistics for popular support on this. However, I posit that if 8 out of 10 Americans supported it, it would have passed.
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