Thread: DERB
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Old 11-05-2005, 05:01 AM
Renaud Desferet Renaud Desferet is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 31
Default Re: DERB

When the first derb thread showed up, like Andrew, I was the first one to believe that someone with such stats could be one of the biggest winners in a semi-tough game. Like Andrew also probably, I had dongbang in mind. Dongbang did many unconventional plays by 2+2 standards, but none of them were blatantly stupid.
Since the first DERB thread appearance, yet, I have played a decent number of hands against him, and I must say that him being one of the biggest winners in a somewhat tough game goes far beyond my current knowledge of the game.
FWIW, I have him down 43k after 10k hands in the 50-100 100-200 combined games. Also, interestingly, his vpip stat went down respectively to 26 (25) in the 50-100 (100-200) game.
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