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Old 09-05-2005, 07:34 PM
Jorge10 Jorge10 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 60
Default Re: Just got pulled over by the cops while walking at night

Everyone hates cops until they need one.

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That about sums it up, everyone says cops suck and what not, but someone breaks into your house or threatens you with a weapon, and you cant say "thank god the cops are here" fast enough. Of course cops arent perfect, you should complain about the bad ones, but in this case he seemed like a rather good one, if I knew someone was walking around my neighborhood at 4am I would want him questioned because odds are he is up to no good.

Most police are the guys that picked on others in school or the guys that got picked on. Most are bullies and nothing more. I think the officer's reaction to lawful behavior is testament to that. Frustrating the cops when they are trying to harrass you is one of the most thrilling and enjoyable things in life. Man, do they get angry when you don't submit to their every whim.

"Protect and serve" is a farce. Just look at the scores of officers in the NOPD who abandoned their post to save their own butts. The US National Guard Bureau is reporting that two-thirds abandoned the force.

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Cop bashing great, combined with stupidity and lack of knowledge, someone give this guy the stupidest person on the planet award. First of all the cops quit because they were outnumbered badly, a few were killed because people looted the gun stores. So they were badly outnumbered and had inferior weapons, not to mention the angry mobs kept targetting them. They knew they were going to get killed and werent even going to be able to do much, thats pretty much why they quit. If you are going to blame anyone blame the government for its slow response.